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Praetorians Original Soundtrack
[ · Скачать удаленно (237 mb) ] 30.12.2009, 13:05

Track list

01. The Price of Ambition
02. Praetorians Main Theme
03. Through Tears to Victory: The Calm
04. Through Tears to Victory: The Wait
05. Through Tears to Victory: After the Rain
06. Fear and Freedom
07. Crassus Folly
08. The North Wind: Loki Awakening
09. The North Wind: The Triumph of the Sun
10. Credits Music
11. The Lure of the East: Night
12. The Lure of the East: Dawn
13. The Lure of the East: Glory
14. The Sand Will Remember
15. Fear
16. The Hammer Falls
17. Fear the Eagles
18. Crassus' Theme
19. Freedom
20. A New Beginning

Music composed and produced by Mateo Pascual
Категория: Praetorians tools | Добавил: Iron_Scorpions
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